Carolina's Story
“We don’t have to go back to 1887 to do right by our Veterans”
- Carolina Winston Barrie
“Major General Benjamin F. Butler, 1890Let no soldier coming here understand that they are coming to an almshouse. [He] They are coming to their home, earned, richly earned, by them, and it is theirs forever.
Carolina Winston Barrie is a direct descendant of Arcadia Bandini de Baker, who along with Senator John Percival Jones, donated the first 300 acres that was to make up the Pacific Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and Sailors.
Carolina, her family and other descendants of Arcadia have, for decades tried to honor the gift that was so patriotically donated.
By restoring the chapel, and the other historic buildings it will be a sign to the veterans that their home is being readied for them.
The 1887 Fund is raising the money that will be needed for renovations and restoration of the Wadsworth Chapel and other historic buildings. “We don’t have to go back to 1887 to do right by our Veterans”